Партньорство за учене и действие
Превенцията на сексуално насилие и сексуална експлоатация на деца е възможна
Автор: Партньорство за учене и действие

Consecutive online meeting of the members of the Partnership for Learning and Action took place on March 16, 2022. Representatives of the Tulip Foundation, Re-Act, NCPHA, BFPA, Know-how for the Center for Alternative Care for Children at NBU, Child and Space Association, MLSP, SAPI, NMHM, PULSE Foundation, IOM, ARC Foundation and BRCY participated.

Almost ready three main films of the campaign were reviewed in order to receive feedback from the members of the Partnership. The participants agreed with the name and the accompanying main texts of the campaign, as well as with the main content for the campaign website. A closing conference date was set and small teams were confirmed to work more actively on the campaign for Zero Tolerance for Child Sexual Exploitation conference.

The project “The ability to change” (2019-2021) is implemented by the Bulgarian Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health (BFPA) with the financial support of WCIF.