Партньорство за учене и действие
Превенцията на сексуално насилие и сексуална експлоатация на деца е възможна
Автор: Партньорство за учене и действие

Dolna Banya

Two events of main importance for the Learning Action Partnership (LAP) took place in July 2021. In the beginning of the month was reviewed the Strategic Plan for Action of the network in the context of the dynamic changing political environment. The sociologist Asen Blagoev from the Center for Social and Political Research and Studies Gallup International presented actual data on the social map of the country. One of the important recommendations given to LAP is the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to be wider and regularly presented subject in curriculum. Prevention of sexual violence and exploitation is a part of the topics, covered in the wide topic of SRH. Up to the moment the knowledge for improving SRH are without stable financing from structural funds of via the national budget. In this sense the efforts on advocacy for enlarging SRH in the curriculum of the middle and upper grade remain important for LAP.

In the period July 20-23 the partners working on prevention of sexual exploitation o children gathered and discussed the work of preliminary preparation of the informational campaign of LAP foreseen for November 2021. The idea is the campaign to raise awareness towards sexual exploitation of children and to show publicly the variety of faces of the problem and to show the ways everyone could react so that to terminate, prevent and save children victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. As main target publics of the campaign were defined teenagers, parents and teachers, who frequently don’t have understanding and sensitiveness towards the problem.

The participants in the events identified a need of explaining main terms for teachers and parents, as well defined the building the trusting connection between children and parents as  a key moment for the aims of prevention of sexual exploitation, which could be initiated or happen including online. One of the main aims of the campaign is the creation of attitude for responsibility and awakening of proactive attitude of people towards the problem with the appeal to be a part of the mechanism of prevention, so that it could fully work.

Vocabulary of terms for the work of LAP members was discussed and approved, as well a manual with the methodology for preparation of youngsters for peer trainers and professionals was presented, it was developed in the frame of one of the small projects of LAP called  ‘Young People Lead the Change’. LAP members took part in rhythm workshop on communication, impact and messages transmition.

It is not possible simply to leave a child, victim of violence and sexual exploitation. If you understand someone is in trouble, call 116111 or 124123, as well look for help in Zona ZaKrila centers in the country.

The meetings were realized in the frame of the project of the Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) ‘ The Ability to Change’, supported by OAK Foundation.

Pictures: Anton Vassilev Photography